As a marketing and event organising company, although, we have most of the electronics industry partnered with us, we constantly aim to expand our business and who we represent, beyond this market. In a way, we are never content, because we know we can always contribute our work to all types of markets. We are equipped with representing and marketing various industries, from real estate to the music world; we could do it all because we have the passion and excitement for it. With our successful event, 30th of June fashion show, “The Z – Walk”, under our belt, we knew we wanted to continue in this industry, in ambitious ways. It was something we were comfortable with, had many ideas to offer and have a well-rounded grasp on the matter; which is why when the committee of ‘Athens Xclusive Designer Week’ approached us with Platinum Sponsorship, we couldn’t refuse. We recently had a fashion brand join us, “Touch Your Soul”, so, it was the perfect opportunity to launch it in a grand way; on the stage of designer’s week in Athens. There was a great deal of press and media present, so the more exposure for our clients’ brand the better; since he was still a newcomer to the fashion world, filled with eagerness and enthusiasm. We had a booth set up for us, right next to the entrance of the catwalk, therefore, everyone had eyes on us, and it was clear they wanted to be a part of our team and what we represent; the warm and pleasant atmosphere we created, making everyone feel welcome. We had a musician, singing, celebrities, videos and photos. We were having a blast and gaining more recognition for the TYS brand and Z Empire as a company. The day of the TYS brand to take over the runway, had arrived and the room was filled with eager spectators. Worry and excitement were the prevailing feelings from the team as we wanted it to be a success, paired with strong feelings of pride and joy for our client and what he has created; beautiful, quality pieces walking down the runway. The show was a success, and ended on the highest note; one of our own walking down the runway alongside our partner/designer, while giving his thanks and appreciation to the audience. As a company, we have never felt more proud for what we have achieved in order to please our new client and our own team member walking by his side representing us simultaneously. Days after the Fashion Week, we were still generating a lot of buzz, whether it was exposure in magazines, press releases, photos, or our social media blowing up. We had gained many contacts and potential business partners, but most importantly, our partner was satisfied with the outcome; all in all, our sponsorship and TYS’ runway debut, was a success and await for the next project to participate in and explore it to its fullest potential.
